As the names of the major award winners were being called close to the end of the VM Group’s staff awards – I AM VM Awards – ceremony on April 27, Renick McKay settled into his seat preparing to give his loudest cheer for the winners. Little did he know that it would be his own name called to collect the penultimate award of the night, the coveted Rookie of the Year for 2023 award.
The Rookie of the Year award celebrates a new member of the VM team who performed exceptionally and demonstrated high potential during their first year with the VM Group. Having already copped an award for Service Excellence Champion earlier that night, the 23-year-old Member Engagement Officer was surprised and elated with the achievement.
“There are not enough words to explain how honoured and proud I am. This is not just a blessing and a reward for my hard work and dedication so far, but a reminder that once you persevere and do your job well, it will be worth it,” said McKay. “While growing up, I learnt to be content and appreciative, but my parents also emphasised the importance of being steadfast and decisive no matter what you were doing, or the circumstances.”
The Clarendon native had to employ these lessons quickly after joining the VM team as an intern in late 2022, being thrust into the high-paced and sometimes unforgiving world of customer service, with little experience. Thanks to strong family and community support, and his unwavering commitment to continuous learning and improvement, McKay has remained grounded and is now considered a rising star among his colleagues and the clients with whom he interacts.
Noted for his pleasant demeanour and optimistic outlook, he admits that while it can get challenging at times, he is driven by a desire to always leave customers feeling better after interacting with him.
His advice to those in his field is simple yet profound. “I believe you should be confident in your abilities and approach the work the best way you know how, being genuine and not necessarily looking for praise. In that way, you will even go above and beyond, and it doesn’t feel like a stretch because you are really just doing your job and putting yourself in the shoes of the customer. Also, remember that everything is linked. If you don’t perform, it will affect the next person’s ability to do their work and can reflect negatively on the business in the long run.”
McKay is a firm believer in the VM brand and what the organisation stands for, singing praises of the inclusive environment, the wholesome values that mirror his own and the transformative products and services, one of which he has already reaped tangible benefits from. “Shortly after I started at VM, I expressed the desire to purchase my first car and was encouraged to open an iSave account. Because of that, I was able to fulfil that dream within one year and it is one of my proudest accomplishments so far.”
The VM iSave is a personalised high interest rate product that allows VM customers to consistently save towards targeted goals over a specific period.
McKay now spends most of his time some distance away from his alma mater of Clarendon College and the small close-knit community just outside of Kellits, where he grew up playing football, volleyball and cricket, but he will never forget his roots and the lessons that have shaped his life. He recently completed a BSc in Computer Science, and the Rookie of the Year award will naturally be a formidable career boost. Consistent with his humility however, he was quick to dedicate the recognition to everyone who has been part of his development and, of course, his fellow VM team members who have embraced and mentored him throughout his time there.
To them, and to every dedicated employee, his message is clear and strong. “No matter how bad the situation is, it is your responsibility to handle it. That is why you are being paid, so do that to the best of your ability every time. Once you work well and you know what you are doing, no one can take that away from you. Going the extra mile may not pay off immediately, but your recognition will come one way or another. And until that time, continue to be humble and open to learning.”
McKay has already been entrusted with more responsibilities in the Member Engagement space. He is however up for the challenge, seeing it as an opportunity for deeper learning, greater self-development and continued positive contribution to the VM mandate of transforming lives.
As he continues his purposeful journey guided by his mother’s advice to “work hard and have manners”, only time will tell how much brighter Renick’s star can shine.